Upcoming Events

Regenerative-Agriculture-and-Holistic Management-Field Day

Regenerative Agriculture &
Holistic Management Field Day

This event has now closed. Thank you to those who attended this well-received event, which was attended by approximately 70 farmers in Waipu, Northland, organised by Kaipara Regenerative Farming Group and Northland Diversity. Quorum Sense and Fonterra representatives were also in attendance, with great engagement from farmers.

Join the Regenerative Agriculture & Holistic Management Field Day

Join Kaipara Regenerative Farming Group (KRFG), Northland Diversity and the Ata Rgenerative team with support from Quorum Sense for a two day event this October on a dairy farm in Waipu. This workshop will grow your understanding for adopting and applying regenerative principles in farming and the value and understanding of Holistic Management.

The Regenerative Shift

Farmers wear the blame for environmental and climatic harm. Much of this is justified because agriculture globally is the main cause of land degeneration. Consequences of modern industrialised agriculture show all around us, about 30% of planet is grassland, it is estimated about 70% of this is degraded.

NZ is not immune to this with high water erosion, reduction in water quality, damage to soil integrity, higher use of toxic inputs, loss of diversity, reduction in nutritional content of food especially depletion of minerals. It is often stated that our current food system is broken.

Whether you’re a farmer, environmental enthusiast, or curious community member, this is the perfect chance to experience how regenerative farming can shape the future of our land and change a broken system.


  • Wednesday 30th October & 31st October (second day optional)
  • $20.00 a ticket for one or two days
  • Register and secure your spot HERE. 


What you will learn:

  • Understanding Holistic Management and Regenerative Farming
  • How do I start
  • The shifts I need to make
  • Ecological Outcomes Verification (EOV)
  • The opportunities for a local food community
  • The benefits for New Zealand


Once Registered

Once you have registered you will get an email with all the details on the event:

  • Address
  • Guest Speakers
  • Farm details
  • Outline of the event
  • Agenda


Don’t miss out—secure your spot and be part of the movement towards a healthier New Zealand!

Future Workshops

Expressions of interest for upcoming events.


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