Mike Green

After graduating from Waikato University with a master’s degree in Earth Sciences and Biology, Mike Green headed off overseas to travel, teach environmental science, and work on environmental projects in Kenya and Zimbabwe. Mike now combines his science background, business experience, and understanding of permaculture and regenerative systems to help grow and develop Ata Regenerative to enable the regenerative transition of New Zealand agriculture.

Escape the vicious cycle: moving beyond solutions in farming20230823092517

Escape the vicious cycle: moving beyond solutions in farming

By focusing on outcomes and reducing inputs, Regenerative farming offers an alternative to a commoditised food system. Find out more here....
You are what you eat…Āta20190205075712

You are what you eat…Āta

Dr Hugh JellieFebruary 5, 2019, 0 comments
The regenerative farming movement is delighting consumers worldwide. They are experiencing levels of taste, flavour and nutrition not seen in decades. The good old days are back. Come and find out why...