Dr Hugh Jellie
Dr Hugh Jellie is the founder of Ata Regenerative and has spent 17 years researching farming systems and regenerative agriculture around the world. He now helps farmers, organisations and individuals change to deliver improved environmental, social, financial and health outcomes.
You are what you eat…Āta20190205075712
You are what you eat…Āta
The regenerative farming movement is delighting consumers worldwide. They are experiencing levels of taste, flavour and nutrition not seen in decades. The good old days are back. Come and find out why...
Glyphosate: What it is and why you should be concerned20190204061607
Glyphosate: What it is and why you should be concerned
Glyphosate has come back into the public arena lately so this article explains what it is, what it can do and why we need to be concerned. Read it here...