Ecological Outcome Verification Monitor Training
Learn to monitor the ecological health of land to help inform land managers as to the impact of their management on ecological health and support the shift to better environmental outcomes.
Ecological Outcome Verification™ or EOV™ is the science inside the Land to Market programme connecting produce from regenerating land to conscious consumers globally. It is now recognised by some of the largest global brands as the accepted means of verifying that land is regenerating. An Ecological Outcome Verification Monitor will work directly with landowners in the assessment of the ecological health of their land and are a key link in the quality assurance chain between producers and consumers.
Monitoring combines Short Term Monitoring (STM) on multiple representative sites distributed throughout the farm with Long Term Monitoring (LTM), permanent transects and photo points located at representative sites of the farm.

STM uses observational evaluation of selected indices at soil surface which are ‘leading indicators’ or those indicators which change in real time in response to on-farm management. These are indicators that are most useful to farmers to monitor the impact of their management on ecological health. STM monitoring is carried out annually to show regenerative progress of the landbase.
LTM are fixed transects set up to track changes of “slow variables” over time using scientifically sound monitoring methods. As these variables change slowly in response to management LTM is carried out at 4-5 yearly intervals.
The combination of Short and Long Term Monitoring to create the Ecological Health Index (EHI) is an effective and robust means of monitoring ecological health.
Ata Regenerative will be conducting training for Ecological Outcome Verification Monitors in September 2021 and is calling for expressions of interest.
Courses will be provided for both Short and Long Term Monitors.
Contact us here to register your interest.
The training of Short-Term Monitors is a 4-day training programme. Once candidates have completed the training plus two further farms under supervision, they are able to complete the annual Short-Term Monitoring as part of the Ecological Outcome Verification.
Those interested in becoming a Long-Term Monitor are required to complete the Short-Term Monitor course plus 2 further days training.
If there is sufficient interest courses will be conducted in both the north and the south islands. Courses are a mix of theory and in-field practical. Those successfully completing the course will become certified by The Savory Institute, a globally recognised certification with the opportunity to work wherever EOV is conducted. Each farm wishing to maintain EOV Verification must have a positive trending Ecological Health Index year on year.
Please register your interest using the form on our Contact page.
Ata Regenerative are at the forefront of regenerative agriculture practice in New Zealand. With 17 years working in the regenerative space and as the Savory Hub for NZ, Ata Regenerative is the only certified Ecological Outcome Verification provider in New Zealand. Ata Regenerative can assist with your transition to farm practice that focuses on the regeneration of soils, increased productivity and biological diversity, as well as economic and social well-being.